Meet the Team
Simon Marshall – Manager & Development Chef
Simon spent much of his early career working as a Chef, however after falling in love with Flint & Flame knives he left the kitchens behind and joined the company during its very early years. As the company grew, so did Simon’s role and he was soon promoted to UK Sales Manager.
With his amazing knife skills, infectious laugh and friendly manner, Simon quickly became a hit with customers and an integral part of the Flint & Flame team. Simon loves to be involved in all aspects of the business whether it is new product development or making recipes for our social media channels.
Simon has a fun loving, playful (yet competitive) nature and I think its fair to say his team approach any ‘Team Building Days’ with caution, wondering if they are going to be dodging paintballs or avoiding him at Archery, even his young daughters are aware he plays to win!
Simon is a big Curry lover, mostly those he makes himself (very modest is Simon) and he loves getting out his BBQ at any time of year.
Events Team
Luke Mullaghan
With our ever expanding business Luke was taken on to help streamline our back office and warehouse operations as this was his previous role with other companies. After a few months we realised this clearly was not his forte and sent him out into the field as a member of our sales force. In this area he has flourished and found his true vocation. Luke is loved by all for his sincere and warm approach to sales with a belly laugh that is matched by no other.
Simon Lancaster
Simon trained as a chef before diverting to the city (via every wine bar on route). With a great eye for opportunity he met us at one of our events and quickly joined the team. He is now one of the longest standing members of the team and with his Victor Meldrew sense of humour he is loved by customers and colleagues alike.
Simon Boyle
Simon worked in the steel industry and was based in Germany for many years, he was also Sales Manager for one of the biggest BBQ companies in the UK. Simon has a big love for food and an even bigger love for wine and is a legend in his own lunchtime when it comes to outdoor grilling. Simon was poached by our Sales Manager, Simon Marshall who has an eye for talented and inspiring people.
Mike Pisko
Don’t let his obtuse demeanour fool you. Mike is as sharp and keen as our knives. Not only an expert with anything Flint and Flame but also respected and celebrated in his favourite subject ….sausage rolls and pies. On his days off Mike loves nothing more than a vigorous and intense workout on the golf course followed by a bowl of his infamous Spanish chicken. Favourite Quote: “Golf is a sport”
Olly Wright
Dan Quinton
Fancy being a part of our amazing team? Send us an email to find out about a career with Flint & Flame.